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John Lachs

Centennial Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus

Research Area

His philosophical interests center on human natures. This takes him into metaphysics, philosophy of mind, political philosophy, and ethics. He has continuing research interests in American philosophy and in German Idealism, along with research and teaching interests in medical and business ethics.

John Lachs was general editor of Encyclopedia of American Philosophy (Taylor & Francis). A 2001 issue of The Journal of Speculative Philosophy was devoted to his essay "Both Better Off and Better: Moral Progress Amid Continuing Carnage," with responses from a half dozen philosophers.

He was also chair of the American Philosophical Association's Centennial Committee, charged with celebrating the personal value and social usefulness of philosophy. Radio programs, book signings, and coffee house conversations were designed to bring philosophy closer to the concerns of ordinary people.

John Lachs has completed the second part of his book Intermediate Man, which is entitled The Cost of Comfort. The Practical Philosophy of John Lachs, 19 essays critical of his work and 19 responses by him, will appear in 2018.

Click here for an interview with John Lachs.

Click here for a video interview of John Lachs by Chris Skowronski of the Berlin Philosophy Forum.