Please pick one of the following questions/topics and write a response of 5-6 pages in length (double-spaced). Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about your essay. Please submit your essay as hard-copy. Electronic submissions are not acceptable. deadline: 4/20/06, 1 p.m.

  • Discuss how at least two of our texts deal with the changing role of women in public life during the twentieth century.
  • Compare the representation of war and soldierly heroism in Böll’s The Train Was on Time and Wolf’s Cassandra.
  • Examine how Brecht and Keun reflect upon the rise of modern mass
    culture in their texts. 
  • The topic of crime and criminality appears in several of our recent texts. Discuss how one or more of our authors use crime to address social conditions of their time.
  • Compare and contrast the views on art/literature and its social function as expressed in Benjamin’s “Storyteller” and Hitler’s “Speech on the Opening of the House of German Art.”