Select one of the following questions and write a response of approximately 2-3 pages. Feel free to modify the topic or design a new one, but please discuss any modification with me in person before you start writing. Submissions should be typed and double-spaced. Please do not submit your essay electronically. Please return the essay by February 16, 8:30 pm.

  • Compare and contrast the role of the female protagonist in two of Kieslowski's films.
  • Compare and contrast the role of the male protagonist in two of Kieslowski's films.
  • What do you consider the most striking stylistic feature shared by all Kieslowski's film? Make a case!
  • Discuss the use of symbolism in one film of Kieslowski. Chose one particular symbol and follow its development through the chosen film.
  • Sound plays an important role in many of Kieslowski's films. Are Kieslowski's sound tracks as important channels of expression and character motivation as his image tracks?
  • Identify a number of structuring oppositions shared by at least two Kieslowski films. How do they develop across different films?
  • To what extent can we read Kieslowski’s characters as allegories of the film director himself? Chose one film and discuss whether certain characters function as directorial stand-ins within the film.