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Graduate Courses

Language Courses

JS 5301: Jewish Language and Paleography
CLAS 6300: Akkadian
HEBR 1101–1102: Elementary Hebrew
HEBR 2201–2202: Intermediate Hebrew
HEBR 3851–3852: Independent Study in Modern Hebrew
HEBR 5111: Hebrew for Graduate Reading
HEBR 5301: Advanced Hebrew Grammar
HEBR 5302: Advanced Hebrew Composition
REL 2514: Elementary Modern Hebrew I
REL 2515: Elementary Modern Hebrew II
REL 3102: Intermediate Modern Hebrew I
REL 3103: Intermediate Modern Hebrew II
REL 5101–5102: Elementary Biblical Hebrew
REL 5120: Intermediate Biblical Hebrew

Focus Area Courses

Area 1 – Biblical Studies

JS 5100: The New Testament in Its Jewish Contexts
ENGL 3370: The Bible in Literature
MUSL 2310: The Bible and Music
RLST 5225: Sexuality in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East
RLST 5926: Ancient Goddesses
RLST 5938: Marriage in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible Religion 3109: Exilic Prophecy
REL 3111: The Pentateuch
REL 3112: Apocalyptic
REL 3113: The Wisdom Literature of the Ancient Near East
REL 3117: The Ethics of Ancient Israel
REL 3124: Esther and Ruth
REL 3127: Cultures of Ancient Near East
REL 3128: Jewish Messianism
REL 3129: Book of Judges
REL 3130: Book of Jeremiah
REL 3131: Voices of Women in the Ancient Near East
REL 3142: The Old Testament in Greek
REL 6177: Song of Songs
REL 6500: The Hebrew Bible
REL 6501: Literary Analysis of the Hebrew Bible
REL 6502: Leadership in Hebrew Bible
REL 6503: Seminar in the History of Ancient Israel
REL 6504: Modern Interpreters of Ancient Israel
REL 6505: Biblical Law and Ancient Israel
REL 6506: Politics and the Economy in Ancient Israel
REL 6510: Empire and Canon
REL 6511: Book of Genesis
REL 6513: The Book of Exodus
REL 6515: The Book of Deuteronomy
REL 6516: The Book of Numbers
REL 6517: Book of Joshua
REL 6518: Book of Job
REL 6519: Book of Qoheleth
REL 6520: Book of Daniel
REL 6522: Sexuality in the Hebrew Bible and ANE
REL 6524: Literature of the Ancient Near East
REL 6525: Ancient Goddesses
REL 6528: Book of Amos
REL 6529: Eighth-Century Prophecy
REL 6575: Old Testament Theology
REL 6580: West Semitic Inscriptions
REL 6609: Feminist Interpretations of Scripture
REL 9200: Reading Course in Hebrew Bible

Area 2 – Antiquity and the Medieval World

JS 2600: Islam and the Jews
JS 5150: Issues in Rabbinic Literature
JS 5210: Reading across Boundaries: Jewish and Non-Jewish Texts
JS 5620: Jews in Egypt
JS 5640: Jews and Greeks
JS 5892: Topics in Ancient and Medieval Jewish History
ANTH 8230: The Collapse of Civilizations
CLAS 5010: The Ancient Origins of Religious Conflict in the Middle East
CLAS 5100: History of the Ancient Near East
CLAS 5120: Greece and the Near East from Alexander to Theodosius
CLAS 5160: History of Roman Empire
HIST 3210: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain
HIST 5160: Medicine in Islam
HIST 5170: Islam and the Crusades
HART 5260: The Art of Pagans, Christians, and Jews
PHIL 2101: Hellenistic and Late Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 2102: Medieval Philosophy
REL 3150: Lives of Jesus: Ancient and Modern
REL 3151: Jesus and the Early Christian Communities
REL 3156: Jewish and Christian Self- Definition
REL 3501: Judaism in New Testament Times
REL 6526: Jewish Life in Persian Egypt
REL 6527: Hellenistic Jewish Literature
REL 6608: Jewish/Christian Relation
REL 6794: Art of Pagans, Christians, and Jews
RLST 4554: The Qur’an and Its Interpreters

Area 3 – Modern and Contemporary Experience

JS 2400: American Jewish Life
JS 2450: The Jewish Diaspora
JS 2500: Modern Israel
JS 3100: The Holocaust
JS 3830: Contemporary Jewish Issues
JS 5300: Modern Jewish Thought
JS 5540: Power and Diplomacy in the Modern Middle East
JS 5560: Social Movements in Modern Jewish Life
JS 5894: Topics in Modern Jewish History
EUS 2208: Conspiracy Theories and Rumors in European and U.S. History
HIST 3160: Immigration, Race, and Nationality: The American Experience
HIST 5130: Russia: Old Regime to Revolution
HIST 5135: Russia: The U.S.S.R. and Afterward
HIST 5190: Last Empire of Islam
HIST 5300: Twentieth-Century Germany
HIST 2720: World War II
HIST 5885: Cities of Europe and the Middle East
PSCI 2230: Middle East Politics
REL 3502: Judaism and Modernity
REL 8817: The Holocaust: Its Meanings and Implications
REL 8822: The Holocaust: Representation and Reflection
RLST 2210W: Constructions of Jewish Identity in the Modern World
RLST 3229: The Holocaust: Its Meanings and Implications
RLST 4939: Religious Autobiography
SOC 3702: Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States

Area 4 – Culture, Philosophy, and Literature

JS 2210W: Hebrew Literature in Translation
JS 2230W: American Southern Jews in Life and Literature
JS 2240W: Black–Jewish Relations in Post-War American Literature and Culture
JS 2280: Jewish Humor
JS 2280W: Jewish Humor
JS 2290W: Imagining the Alien: Jewish Science Fiction
JS 2420W: American Jewish Music
JS 5250W: Witnesses Who Were Not There: Literature of the Children of Holocaust Survivors
JS 5260: Coming of Age in Jewish Literature and Film
JS 5260W: Coming of Age in Jewish Literature and Film
JS 5270: Jewish Storytelling
JS 5270W: Jewish Storytelling
JS 5320: Freud and Jewish Identity
JS 5330: Is G-d Guilty? The Problem of Evil in Judaism
JS 5340: Jewish Philosophy after Auschwitz
JS 5520: Zionism: Politics, Religion, and Ethnicity
JS 5000: Major Themes in Jewish Studies
ENGL 3664: Jewish American Literature
FREN 4430: The Struggle of Encounter: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Literature
GER 5445: Nazi Cinema: The Manipulation of Mass Culture
GER 5344: Women at the Margins: German-Jewish Women Writers
HART 5765: Art since 1945
MUSL 2150: Music, Identity, and Diversity
PHIL 2109: Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy
PHIL 3005: Jewish Philosophy
PHIL 3006: Islamic Philosophy
PHIL 3011: Critical Theory
REL 3503: The Jewish Heritage
REL 3505: Jewish Ethics
REL 8805: Jewish Theories of Religion
REL 8825: Jewish Animals
RLST 2220: Jewish Ethics
RLST 2940: Great Books of Literature and Religion
RLST 5270: Jewish Theories of Religion
RLST 5940: The Nature of Evil. Russian
RLST 2434: The Russian Cinema
RLST 5231: Jews in Russian Culture: Survival and Identity
SOC 3204: Tourism, Culture, and Place
SOC 3222: Sociology of Religion