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Why Culture, Advocacy, and Leadership?

The Program in Culture, Advocacy, and Leadership (CAL) equips and inspires students to understand and engage with communities in the United States, the Americas, and the world. The CAL curriculum prepares students for civic engagement and public leadership. Through real-world experiences and innovative coursework, students develop the knowledge, values, and skills they need to contribute to a better future.

The name Culture, Advocacy, and Leadership signals the key components of the program and the competencies students need regardless of what they pursue after graduation.

  • Culture speaks to the importance of understanding history, people, and institutions, which need to inform any effort to make a difference in the world.
  • Advocacy speaks to the public-facing, community-engaged projects students will undertake as they develop a voice and a vision all their own.
  • Leadership speaks to the ideas, experiences, and skills that students must draw on when uniting people to tackle common problems.