CAS - Ampersand E-Newsletter [Vanderbilt University]

December 2013

DeanDeverDear Arts and Science friends:

Each fall, I prepare a presentation to our board of advisers, faculty, and staff regarding the current state of the College of Arts and Science. The report includes facts, figures and accomplishments from different areas of the school in the past year. It seems appropriate to share highlights from that presentation with you as the year ends.

  • Arts and Science received 22,835 applications for 1,019 spots available in the Class of 2017
  • 31.4% of the graduating Class of 2013 participated in research with a faculty member
  • 63.2% of the Class of 2013 accepted a job by Commencement
  • Top hiring fields: Financial services, education, and consulting
  • 13 new endowed faculty chairs since January 2012, for a total of 88
  • 288 staff support 4,197 undergraduates, 846 graduate students, and 573 full-time faculty
  • Largest operating expense: Salaries and benefits 44.85%
  • 16.13% of the operating budget is invested in financial aid
  • Faculty research awards increased to $47.9 million—$6 million over 2012
  • 8,693 donors made gifts totaling $15.8 million to the College of Arts and Science—an increase of $1.7 million

As is so often with the liberal arts, the quantitative is only part of the story. The full story of the state of the college is in students inspired, discoveries made, growth supported, and foundations laid for further work and future inquiry. By all these standards, the College of Arts and Science is doing well.

Warm wishes for the holidays,

DeanDever signature

Carolyn Dever


Fingers keyingKnow your type?

Research from graduate student Kristy Snyder and Centennial Professor of Psychology Gordon Logan shows that even skilled typists can’t identify where keys are on a keyboard. The research has been mentioned in Science Daily, The Blaze and Wired (U.K. edition), viewed more than 21,000 times on YouTube and generated more than 63,000 visits to the research news@Vanderbilt website.

MichelleAlexanderOther Arts and Science stories

Antonio Rokas writes “My Oldest Sister is a Sea Walnut?” in an essay in Science, John Geer comments on the Affordable Care Act in the National Journal, and Vanderbilt Magazine chronicles alumna Michelle Alexander’s fight against mass incarceration.


Rocky Alvey

Grammy nomination

Dyer Observatory’s director brings science and art together as the co-writer of an acclaimed children’s album.

 Rachael Grenfell-Dexter

Inspired by Mandela

Junior Rachael Grenfell-Dexter, a native of South Africa, reflects on Nelson Mandela and hope for her country.

Algae protein molecules

Tricking algae

Stevenson Professor of Biological Sciences Carl Johnson makes algae produce more biomaterials.


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301 Kirkland Hall  |  Nashville, TN 37240

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