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Neuroimmunology, Neuroinfectious Disease, and Signalling in Microglial Cells

Subramaniam Sriram
Department of Neurology
1222 Vanderbilt Stallworth Rebab Hospital
615-963-4044 (office)

Our laboratory has an overall interests in the understanding the neural immune interactions of CNS inflammatory and demyelinating disease. Our hypotheses is that in most demyelinating

diseses activation of microglia is a key element that precedes demyelination hence understanding factors that activate microglial cells will be crucial in the process. We have the following
projects in progress:

1. Defining the activation signals of IL-3 and CD40 pathway in microglial activation.
2. Using experimental allergic encephalitis defining novel anti-inflammatory compunds direcrted at inhibiting the CD40 signalling pathway.
3. Understanding the role of chlmydia pneumoniae as a key trigger to the development of demyelination in human multiple sclerosis.