Select one of the following ten questions and write a response of approximately 5 pages. Feel free to modify the topic, but please discuss any modification with me in person before you start writing. Submissions should be typed and double-spaced. Please return the essay by October 29, 4pm.

  1. Compare the image of the city in Fritz Lang's M and Roberto Rossellini's Open City. Why do we tend to consider one more "realistic" than the other?

  2. How did the coming of synchronized sound affect German cinema around 1930 in both aesthetic and industrial terms? How did Fritz Lang's M, in particular the opening sequence, respond to the new possibilities of film sound?

  3. How would Fritz Lang have shot this sequence of Grand Illusion? Why?

  4. How would Jean Renoir have shot this sequence of M? Why?

  5. Could Roberto Rossellini have shot this sequence of Grand Illusion? How would a neo-realist version have looked like? Explain!

  6. Discuss this clip from Open City in terms of Andre Bazin's article, "An Aesthetics of Reality."

  7. What is "realist" about "poetic realism"? What is "poetic" about it?

  8. Compare the composition of natural spaces, as well as the positioning of human bodies in nature, in the final sequences of Grand Illusion and Sansho the Bailiff. How do they differ? What does this say about different cinematic styles and projects?

  9. Compare the construction of space in the opening sequence of Lang's M with the articulation of space in this sequence of Sansho the Bailiff. To what extent can we call the style of both films "closed"?

  10. Discuss some of the cultural traditions important to understand Japanese films such as Sansho the Bailiff. In what way do these traditions affect the look of the film or its narrative organization?